The Ultimate ABCD Cleaning Checklist From Cleaning Pros – Check Out!

How do you feel when you enter the office? It’s the impression & vibe that matter! Well, keeping an office clean is quite a time-consuming chore.  It’s a necessity these days to ensure employees’ health, safety, efficiency and productivity. The best way to ensure office cleanliness during this COVID-19 period is to hire commercial cleaners melbourne from a reputed cleaning company. They are trained cleaning professionals who have the necessary cleaning tools to clean the area. In today’s blog, we have compiled the most recommended commercial cleaners’ ultimate ABCD cleaning checklist to maintain your office.

commercial cleaning Ultimate ABCD Cleaning Checklist For Cleaning Pros – Check Out!

A stands for Allergies, Algae BuildUp & Anti-bacterial wipes.

No matter how clean your space looks, allergies can find their way through the missed dust areas. Ensure to dust the window shields, desks and corners and serve areas where dust accumulate. Algae can be an issue when you fail to cleanup the fountains or water fixtures. Ensure to prevent any buildup and hand anti-bacterial wipes to cleanup their hands & workspace quickly.

B Talks About Bathroom Cleanliness

When it comes to bathrooms, make sure to clean and sanitise twice a day to curb any bacteria or germ spread, control contamination and disinfect the cleaning tools to prevent any spread. Bathroom cleanliness & sanitisation is a must for a healthy office.

C Says All About Your Carpets, Cafeteria, Ceilings & Cabinets

Are your office carpets clean & good-smelling? Is your cafeteria mess-free? Are your ceilings dust-free? How long has it been since you dusted the file or storage cabinet? If you want to ensure all these areas are clean & safe, guide the commercial cleaners to clean the carpets cafeteria mess-free, dust the ceilings, walls and clear the storage cabinet. This way, it will put an end to the dust, debris buildup & help you breathe comfortably. Also, when all these spots are maintained regularly, there’ll be no need for masks inside the office.

D Screams About Your Doorknobs & Desks

Your office doorknobs are probably one of the filthiest and most highly contaminated areas possible. So, make sure to sanitise these high-traffic areas like the doorknobs, your desks area to prevent any dust, dirt and cobwebs & this way you can prevent contamination.

So, simplify your office cleaning by following these ABCD areas and ensure sparkling cleanliness in your office. Why wait? Hire a professional commercial cleaning melbourne company like Commercial Clean Melbourne on 1300 963 650 to get top-notch cleaning service at best price.